Liver, Diabetes & Heart Disease - 057

Episode 57 July 25, 2021 00:28:45
Liver, Diabetes & Heart Disease - 057
Healthy Living
Liver, Diabetes & Heart Disease - 057

Jul 25 2021 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Today’s guest is a doctor from Melbourne, Australia who prescribes food as medicine. With her is one of her patients who had many health problems, which have been helped by a change of lifestyle.

Featuring: Margot Marshall (Host), Leila (Guest) and Dr Coralia Jigau.

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Episode Transcript

SPEAKER A The following program presents principles designed to promote good health and is not intended to take the place of personalized, professional care. The opinions and ideas expressed are those of the speakers. Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions about the information presented. Welcome to healthy living. I'm your host, Margot Marshall. Today's guest is a doctor from Melbourne, Australia, who prescribes food as medicine. And with her is one of her patients who had many health problems which have been helped with a change of lifestyle. Stay tuned. SPEAKER B Healthy Living is a production of 3ABN Australia television focusing on the health of the whole person, body, mind and spirit. You'll learn natural lifestyle principles with practical health solutions for overall good health. SPEAKER A Thomas Edison has been described as America's greatest inventor and is best known for inventing the light bulb. But he also penned this famous quote the doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. Well, today we have such a doctor in our studio with living proof in the person of one of her many patients who can testify about the potency of what we call lifestyle medicine. Welcome to you, Dr. Jigau. And welcome to you, Layla. It's wonderful to have you here on this program and thank you for coming interstate out of your busy practice to come and talk to us about this. And thank you to Leila. Because of the story to tell, perhaps you can talk about this together. So what were some of your many health problems? SPEAKER C I have suffered stage two end stage two liver cirrhosis and that have taken a really severe beating on my body. I have suffered over 30 times of coma. SPEAKER A Coma? 30 times? SPEAKER C I stopped counting when it was 30. And I also suffered over ten times of severe hemorrhages, which left my left leg completely dead. I had to be in a nursing home for 16 months or no, sorry, 18 months, where they had to lift my leg down and lift it up. It was completely damaged. And I also suffered from fibromyalgia shorgun syndrome. Diabetes. Yes. And some blockages in the arteries. And I was a mess, complete mess. SPEAKER A That must have been a very much. SPEAKER C Although after six months of the operation, I left the nursing home, but I was still so run down completely and I went and I saw Coralia on the 6th of last November. SPEAKER A All right, so when did these problems start? I think that was back about nine. SPEAKER C Yes, that's when I discovered I had the liver cirrhosis and by 2011, I had nine viruses in the esophagus where they burst and I suffered severe hemorrhage. SPEAKER A Wow. And you've only just caught up with this lovely doctor. SPEAKER C Yes, I was so lucky. SPEAKER A Just very recently. How long ago is that? A couple of months. And that's been a big what a. SPEAKER C Life change she just looked at me and was all the way I looked. I was gray, I was limping, I had severe pains all over. And she looked at me and said, don't worry, you won't know yourself in six months. It's a miracle, really. She explained to me how changing your food will help me, and as she checked my blood and found how many deficiencies I had and correcting them and with al kondokin, call it a diet now, this is the way I live, and it's surprisingly to say, but in six weeks I've lost ten kilos. SPEAKER A Wow. I'm sure there's a lot of viewers out there who wish that they could be saved. SPEAKER C I've been trying all my life to lose weight, but I kept losing and gaining and losing and gaining, but nothing like this. SPEAKER D You want to mention you have been on plant based diet? SPEAKER C Oh, yes. SPEAKER D And Leila have done this change so quick. When I explained to her how it's working, she was really determined to go in every detail and to do everything what is right, and it is hard, it is not easy to do such a big change. But because of her health situation and she was really desperate, she was happy to do it. SPEAKER C Yes. I started as soon as I left her office. That's it. SPEAKER D I had a freezer clean up the freezer. SPEAKER C It's got meat and chicken and fish and I cleaned a lot. I said no more. Nothing refined in the cupboards. Being diabetic, anything refined would lift my sugar. My diabetes, I used to reach 25 32 and I was on insulin twice a day. SPEAKER A Just let's clear that. 25 32, that was your blood sugar reading? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER A And how bad is that, Doctor? SPEAKER D It is not bad. It is extremely bad. SPEAKER A Extremely bad. SPEAKER D And it's wonderful because with the lifestyle changes which Leila have done, we've been able to take her off of her insulin. So now she's taking just tablets in. SPEAKER A Just a couple of months. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER D And her blood sugar level, it is really well controlled. SPEAKER C Very. SPEAKER D And we intend to cut the medication slowly. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D As we progress. SPEAKER C Now, my sugar level 6.5, it might reach seven, but usually on the lower part. SPEAKER A That's amazing. Isn't it time? SPEAKER C And I've never had cravings to eat what I used to eat at all. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER C I don't use sugar completely and never had really? I use fruits, I use even dry fruits. And that doesn't really lift my sugar because it's not refined. SPEAKER A That's a wonderful story, and that's wonderful that she was able to catch up with you, Doctor, to support her through these changes. SPEAKER D She came with multiple problems and she have multiple medication. She had so many tablets, which she shouldn't be on, three types of antidepressants painkillers, a handful, and we cut them down slowly because actually, when she came to me, she couldn't walk. SPEAKER C Yes. My leg, it's all the nerve damage in my left leg. I was mainly dragging it and limping. SPEAKER A But you walked in here, you came. SPEAKER C Up the steps fine. Because my leg is 80% better in. SPEAKER A A couple of months. SPEAKER C In two and a half months, exactly. SPEAKER D It's explained to her how lack of nutrients, because the way she was eating before and a lot of medication had impact on our body. Whatever we put in our mouth, it's so important. And we cut her painkiller slowly. And I asked Layla to exercise because she was not moving at all. It is not just one fact. The lifestyle is not just food. Lifestyle is exercise. Lifestyle is dealing with the stress. Lifestyle is staying in the sun. And I advise her stay in the sun at least half an hour a day. The second time when she was seeing me, she had a fall in the garden and she stayed there for how long have you been there? SPEAKER C Over about 40 minutes. SPEAKER D Because she was not able to lift herself up to walk? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER A Wow. What an incredible turnaround. SPEAKER C It's not that I just lost ten kilos. Now I have lost 13 kilos. SPEAKER A 13. SPEAKER C I have stopped the medication I was taking for the nerve pain. I stopped painkillers and I wasn't on panadol, I was oxynom and endone and they are like morphine and that's all gone. SPEAKER A How is your pain level now? SPEAKER C I never knew what it is like to wake up without pain. And at the moment, I'm pain free. SPEAKER A Oh, my goodness. SPEAKER C Completely pain free. SPEAKER A Is that an amazing thing? Just beautiful. SPEAKER C To me, it's a miracle. SPEAKER A Well, I'm glad that you met a doctor of the future. Thomas Edison said a couple of hundred years ago, because I don't know what. SPEAKER C I would have done without her. Really? SPEAKER A Yes. SPEAKER C She helped me so much. Lifestyle is recovering. SPEAKER A Potent thing. Look, it was back at about 2005, I think it was, that the US Surgeon General said that he attributed our health status 10% to genetics, 10% to environmental factors, 10% to medical care and 70% to our lifestyle choices. SPEAKER C Absolutely. SPEAKER A Yeah. And so it is very powerful. And I'm glad that you understand that you're a doctor who understands that it. SPEAKER D Is fascinated how it happened to me. So not only to Layla, but we let our health go until we are desperate. And we are desperate. You have no choice. It is supposed to start working a little bit early, but some people do not do it until it's late. It is too late, but it's working. That is fascinating. And that's what I learned. The mechanism of healing our body, it is imbued by God in our body? Yes, it is there. As long as we don't assault our body with food, our body, it will repair slowly and surely. We don't have a quick effect. These days, people want a tablet. They want a tablet. Take the tablet. I'm pain free. SPEAKER C So what? SPEAKER D In the next six hour, you have to take another tablet. So that's what it is, the God's way of healing. It is slow, it's taking time, it's taking a long time to do the damage and it's taking a long time to do the repair. But it's happened. And as you are committed to do what we know you have to do. SPEAKER A I actually read something from a Dr. Roger Greenlaw, who was a gastroenterologist, and he worked a lot with lifestyle medicine, with the Chip program going back some years, and he explained how this disease reversal actually takes place. He said that he observed as a gastroenterologist that in seven days you have a completely new stomach lining and in a month you have a whole new layer of skin. In four months, all new red blood cells. And in one year, 98% of our body cells have been replaced. So we literally are what we eat. And that was amazing. He said the change of the cells takes place at about one and a half million a day. Now, I did a bit of I got the calculator out and did a bit of maths on that and by the time we've watched this program now, I've forgotten, you see, but it was. SPEAKER D Several hundred just I have explained to Leila what happened. I have explained to him the latest science is confirming what you put in your mouth. It's the most environmental change and gene change until now. We realize food is just micronutrients. You have proteins, you have vitamins, you have minerals which we need them. No, we know now our body does not work like that. Our body food is information for our genome. Food talks to your genes. You eat wrong food, your genes, your body will produce genes which will implement inflammation in your body. You have proper food, your body is repairing, so it is much more deeper. And the science of today and the science of microbiome and microbiota, the bacteria which we have in our gut in 20 years ago, we did not know. That's where your health is happening, in your gut. That's where it's your second immune system, that's where it's your second liver, that's where detoxification happened and that's what your second brain. It's fascinating what happened in the gut. And what is more fascinating is we are able to manipulate what happened there. What you put in your mouth, it will fed the bacteria which we have there. You have bad bacteria or you have good bacteria, depends on what you eat and it can change. And this bacteria, as I explained to Leila, you have bacteria in your gut which is doing gamma aminobutyric acid, which is similar to volume the tablet which you give you to settle you and not to be anxious anymore. And it's taking, it taking your tablets. Eat proper food and your body will manufacture this body self as it was designed. When we eat the way we eat, we make such a big destruction in our body. We have no idea. I did not know we have to go on God's formula because we've been designed to eat as God programmed. And the science today is taking years, over years to discover what God said. 40 years. A scientist. I read a book now written by Professor Emeran Meyer at University of California and Los Angeles. 40 years he discovered the gut brain connection. 40 years. It is fascinating. SPEAKER A Talking about God's design and the foods. I mean, the foods that you are recommending, the plant based foods, it's interesting. But the World Health Organization now recognises those foods as healthy foods. I came across I didn't actually intend to, but I stumbled on their website across this Healthy Diet fact sheet and it lists five foods as healthy. And they're up on the screen. There they are fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains. And right back at the beginning of time, that's what God recommended to our first parents. And finally, at least one organization, the World Health Organization, is recognizing that as the case. I hope that the rest of the world catches up with that. And I hope it's really understood. Because when I hear stories like yours, Leila, I mean, the pain that you have been through and the trauma years, more than 30 times you've been in a coma. That's a frightening thing. And you were so unwell. Look at you now, you're just absolutely glowing and you're walking. You don't have pain? SPEAKER C No, completely. I'm pain free. SPEAKER D Oh, that's just you have to mention you have your liver transplant. SPEAKER C Yes, and also I had that happening. SPEAKER D Before her liver transplant. Yes, and eventually they find them. SPEAKER C Maybe if I would have met Coralia when I found that I had liver cirrhosis, maybe we would have reversed that instead of ending up having to go. SPEAKER A Liver, all of that. Because that was a long time, wasn't it? SPEAKER C It was 13 and a half hour operation. SPEAKER A Oh, dear. SPEAKER C And a long time to recover the body, to recover from such beating over five years of side effects. SPEAKER A Well, I'm glad that you have been in touch with me too, Dr. Coralia, and so many others. I'm interested that you said that Layla was very keen to just get started straight away. As soon as she walked out the door, she was ready to go. Do you find that's the case with other patients, all of your patients? SPEAKER D It's not the case with a lot of patients lack the motivation because it is a very big change. So I learned to help them, to help them to motivate that. But the best motivation is when you start feeling good, you'll see I feel much better. I was not like that before. You say, oh, yeah, it is working and it's gradual work. And where it's hard to change, I advise my patients to do gradual change. It's not easy when you eat a heavy animal based diet to change on plant based diet and you have to do it gradually. Your body to adjust with the changes and depends how sick they are. And I realize most of my clever patients, they're able to do it straight away. A lot of patients find hard to change. It's hard to change, but you have to reason sometimes it's why you do this. SPEAKER A A real wake up call, really? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D Worthwhile to do it or not? So sure if I have to do. SPEAKER C It or not, I couldn't wait now we start this evening, but no way I'm even going to cook that I. SPEAKER D Cleaned it up that I cannot wait to see how leila will be within a year from now. SPEAKER A Yes, well, that's right, because 98% of your body cells will have been replaced. You will have almost a new body. SPEAKER C I haven't felt this way even when I was in my 30s. SPEAKER A Wow. SPEAKER C I was aching constantly in your thirty s, and my energy was always low, low energy. I discovered by accident that I was diabetic. And I also have my brother suffering at the moment from leva cirrhosis. He's stage A, and I took him to my specialist that was looking after me. His name is Steve Lantos, and he found he had two viruses, that if he would have left them, they would have burst and caused him internal hemorrhage, something similar to what I suffered, I. SPEAKER A Think you said that when that happened and they burst and that you were taken to hospital. They didn't expect you to live through the night. SPEAKER C No, they didn't. They told my son, she's not going to make it through the night, you better call the family. And he did, and my other son and my daughter came, and my daughter was very much informed of my situation, and she told them, she doesn't have a tear in the stomach, she have viruses, and you better check it out. SPEAKER A She really told them? SPEAKER C Yeah. If you don't and she dies, I'm going to sue them. SPEAKER D But when Caleb changed his diet after three weeks, he have seen his liver specialist again, just going back to him. SPEAKER A Your brother? Yeah. SPEAKER D And his specialist looked at his blood test and said, what have you done? And he told him, I changed completely on plant based diet and lost weight, and I'm exercising, I'm staying in the sun. And he said, that's great, your liver is already improved. SPEAKER A In three weeks? SPEAKER D Yeah, in three weeks. And he said, Keep going. What you're doing? SPEAKER C Whatever you're doing, just keep going. SPEAKER A So might it be the case that if Layla had known this in the early stages, she might not have been have to go through all of that? SPEAKER D We don't know. There are different causes for the liver, but we know we can control it. SPEAKER C It was not due to alcohol, anything like that? SPEAKER A No. Normally you would associate alcohol with liver. SPEAKER C Problems, but you never no, never. I don't drink. They couldn't identify why they said, oh, I don't know, maybe your diabetes affected, maybe this, but they was not sure why. And they've put me on the list for liver transplant only when I started to get worse because they said they won't do it unless it's the end. And I was lucky. It's not really luck, but I do believe that it was a blessing from God. He saved my life, the Ferris hemorrhage, all through my comas, my liver came just in time. It was God glory to him, really. SPEAKER A So would you have a lot of patients who've had their health turned around in one way or another because of what this same sort of recommendations that. SPEAKER D You I did have a lot of patients, so some of them will give their testimony here today. Yes, it is reversing, it is working. And I have some extraordinary stories with shuan will mention to you her father, which was eight. SPEAKER A We will talk about that in another program. SPEAKER D Yes, recover from correct his kidney failure because he was end stage kidney failure and he was supposed to start dialysis and he's still two years after his kidney function, roughly. SPEAKER A I mean, if you had to sort of think of a rough figure, how many patients have you had who have actually embraced the lifestyle change and seen some good results? SPEAKER D I have a big clinic and a lot of patients, about 30% of the patients, they start listening, wow. And they improve their health. Another one, they go like they went before. They take their tablets and they don't do any change. Some people are doing the change for a while and they get much better. I have a lady which have ulcerative colitis, which was really bad. And we have proven by some tests how bad it was. And I told her what to do. She changed everything. She become better after a while. She went back to her previous lifestyle and said, Sorry. I said you start again. It's nothing else that you can do. So you have to do it by yourself. That is the problem with the lifestyle medicine. It's involving the patient. The patient has to do the change, not the I cannot do it for you, I can recommend it to you, but you have to do so. You have to do a hard work. Do you know most of the patients, they said, my cardiologist, my gastroenterologist, what about you? Where's your responsibility? So that's where the problem. It comes back to the patient. And if you want to do the change, you'll have the benefits. SPEAKER A But your support has played a big role. I do know that because I was just speaking to one of the other patients just before we started filming and they said, look, your support played a huge role because they had already understood the kinds of things that you're recommending, but really didn't feel well enough to just embrace it and to get hold of it. And it was because of you and your ongoing support and your kindness and your understanding, your empathy, all of those beautiful attributes that you have. You don't just have the good advice, but as a beautiful doctor in a lovely bedside manner, as we call it, has played a really big role, and I think that needs to be acknowledged. SPEAKER C Absolutely. SPEAKER A Yeah. Thank you. SPEAKER D But what I try to do, I try to explain a bit of physiology, which is going behind, because you have to make the people understand what's going on, why I have to do this. And you explain that you'll do this, you'll have this outcome. If you don't do this, you'll go. SPEAKER A That'S what Thomas Edison said. Explain about the cause and prevention of disease and treatment. So you're doing all of that. SPEAKER C Most of the time, I was just giving the painkiller to stop the pain, but no one really bothered to know the cause of the pain, to get rid of the cause. Then there'll be no more pain. SPEAKER D That's what is lifestyle medicine. Lifestyle medicine. Treat the cause of the problem. We try to address the cause, because as you address the cause, all will come back. SPEAKER C Absolutely. It's amazing. I encourage anyone who have any kind of problem to try it, and they will see a lot of benefits out of that. I've been there. I have taken such beating. But the body do recover if you feed it the right diet. And it's not a diet. It's a change of right. SPEAKER A You know, I came across something so there are other places out there practicing lifestyle medicine, and I noticed this recently. There was a study in San Francisco, and they provided people who had either diabetes or HIV. In that particular case, those two diabetes, HIV, 100% of their dietary requirements for six months, along with nutritional counseling like you're doing. And in that study, it was estimated that it costs about half as much to feed people for six months as to spend half a day in hospital. Amazing. And that's why they're doing it. That's why they're doing it, because it's working. And six months free when it's food and nutritional counseling. And it costs them half as much. Yeah, it costs half as much as undain hospital. Incredible. So it's good for the healthcare system, and it's definitely good for the patient. SPEAKER C For the patient. SPEAKER A Just in closing, Dr. Coralier, what would you say to people out there who are maybe one of the 30% who are like Leila and the 60% who say, oh, no, what would you say? SPEAKER D Try to see the goodness of God. You have to try. It is there for you. Do your best. Do not reject what God gave us as a gift. We've been designed to eat plant based diet, and we have to keep going on plant based diet. SPEAKER A I think God's very full of surprises, too, with some of the good things that he's put in the food. So, look, the take home message is that lifestyle choices have by far the greatest impact on our health status. So be sure to tune into future programs to discover how to prevent and reverse other diseases. And remember, you can watch our programs on demand. Just visit and click on the watch button. God bless you. SPEAKER B You’ve been listening to a production of 3ABN Australia Television.

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